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Delegation from South China Normal University Visits Confucius Institute at University of Latvia 华南师范大学学术文化交流团到访拉脱维亚大学孔子学院

Delegation from South China Normal University Visits Confucius Institute at University of Latvia 华南师范大学学术文化交流团到访拉脱维亚大学孔子学院

On the morning of May 22, 2024, Riga local time, a five-member delegation of academic and cultural communication from South China Normal University(SCNU) visits the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia(LUCI) and held a discussion with the director of the Confucius Institute and teachers’ representatives. Chinese Director, He Dong, briefly introduces the LUCI. Then Ms. Zhou Xian, a member of the delegation, extends cordial greetings to teachers and students of the LUCI on behalf of the SCNU, fully affirms the achievements of the LUCI, and puts forward ardent expectations for its future development, hoping that it will continue to do a good job in Chinese language education, and language and cultural communication in Latvia. Finally, He Dong, on behalf of the Latvian Director, Prfo.Peteris Pildegovics, presented to the delegation Selected Translations of Tang Poems and My Chinese Story, and other books in Latvian and English.BY HE DONG, PHOTOS: BAI BINGYU AND ANASTASIJA GALKINA

【拉脱维亚大学孔子学院讯 通讯员 何东 摄影 白冰玉 高安娜】里加当地时间2024年5月22日上午,华南师范大学学术文化交流团一行五人到访拉脱维亚大学孔子学院办公室,并与孔子学院院长和教师代表举行了座谈。中方院长何东简要介绍了拉大孔院的基本情况。交流团成员周宪女士代表华南师范大学向孔院师生致以亲切的问候,对拉大孔院的工作予以充分肯定,对孔院的未来发展提出了殷切的期望,希望孔院继续做好拉脱维亚的中文教育和语言文化交流的工作。最后,何东代表拉方院长贝德高向交流团赠送了《唐诗选译》和《我的中国故事》等拉文和英文书籍。

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