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Riga Middle School (Primary School) No. 34 held an International Mother Language Day event which is attended by the representatives from the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia拉脱维亚大学孔子学院代表出席里加34中学母语日活动

Riga Middle School (Primary School) No. 34 held an International Mother Language Day event which is attended by the representatives from the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia拉脱维亚大学孔子学院代表出席里加34中学母语日活动

[Photo: Anastasija Galkina, Correspondent: Anastasija Galkina] On February 21, 2024, Riga Middle School (Primary School) No. 34 held an International Mother Language Day event. Anastasija Galkina, secretary of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia, was invited to attend. Teachers of the first grade classes Antra Puriņa, Tamriko Ilesašvili and others together with children took part in Riga Middle School (Primary school) No. 34 International Mother Language Day event. The host of the International Mother Language Day event and teacher Antra Puriņa extended a warm welcome to the guests and children.

International Mother Language Day is celebrated on February 21st every year. It was initiated by UNESCO in 1999. Since 2000, February 21st every year has been referred to as “World Mother Language Day”. This event was held in the small auditorium. First, teacher Tamriko Ilesašvili introduced the Georgian language and the origin of the national flag, and taught the children a few Georgian words. Then secretary of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia, also a Chinese language teacher, gave a detailed introduction to the characteristics of Chinese language and number culture. Olena Iļjina, a staff member of Riga Middle School (Primary school) No. 34 from Ukraine, introduced the history and language characteristics of Ukraine to children.

The activities were lively and interesting, and children were interested in the International Mother Language Day activities. Participants were very satisfied. The  secretary of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia spoke highly of the International Mother Language Day organized by Riga Middle School (Primary School) No. 34 and hoped to further cooperate with Riga  Middle School No. 34. This enjoyable International Mother Language Day event ended with a great song session.

【拉脱维亚大学孔子学院讯 通讯员、图片:高安娜】 2024年2月21日,里加34中学(小学)举办了国际母语日活动,拉脱维亚大学孔子学院秘书高安娜(Anastasija Galkina)受邀出席。里加34中学(小学)一年级班主任普安塔(Antra Puriņa) 、叶唐凯(Tamriko Ilesašvili)老师和小学生们及多位嘉宾参加活动。

联合国教科文组织在1999年提出倡议,并确定从2000年起,每年2月21日为“世界母语日”。本次活动在小礼堂举行,首先,叶唐凯老师介绍格鲁吉亚语及该国国旗的由来,教孩子们几个格鲁吉亚语单词。接着,拉脱维亚大学孔子学院代表高安娜就汉语特点和数字文化进行讲解。来自乌克兰的里加34中学(小学)工作人员伊琳娜(Olena Iļjina),给大家介绍乌克兰的历史和语言特点。


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