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The Confucius Classroom at Riga 34 Secondary School held a Chinese language seminar, attended by Ambassador Tang Songgen and all guests 里加34中学孔子课堂举办中文研讨会 唐松根大使及各位嘉宾出席

The Confucius Classroom at Riga 34 Secondary School held a Chinese language seminar, attended by Ambassador Tang Songgen and all guests 里加34中学孔子课堂举办中文研讨会 唐松根大使及各位嘉宾出席

On December 6, 2023, the Confucius Classroom of Riga 34 Secondary School, a subsidiary of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia, held a Chinese language seminar. Ambassador Tang Songgen was invited to attend, and the guests in attendance included Professor Peteris Pildegovics, the Director of the Confucius Institute in Latvia, the leaders of Riga Daugavgrivas School Secondary School, Riga 45 Secondary School, and Riga No.64 middle School, as well as volunteer teachers. Principal Natalia and Vice Principal Marina warmly welcomed the guests.

This seminar was held in the small auditorium, where the first performance was “Song and Smile”. Two elementary school students introduced themselves, and Vice Principal Marina gave a detailed introduction to the teaching points of Riga 34 Secondary School. Next, the guests moved to Room 308 to watch the student courses led by volunteer teacher Wang Beiya and local teacher Evita Kalme. The course is lively and interesting, and students speak very actively. The guests expressed great satisfaction, and the ambassador gave high praise to the teaching of Confucius in the classroom at Riga 34 Secondary School. They hope to further cooperate with Riga 34 Secondary School. This pleasant Chinese seminar ended with a cold meal with rich ingredients.

【拉脱维亚大学孔子学院 通讯员 汪贝娅 图片 汪贝娅】2023年12月6日,拉脱维亚大学孔子学院下属的里加34中学孔子课堂举办了中文研讨会,唐松根大使受邀出席,同时到场的嘉宾还有孔子学院拉方院长贝德高教授、道加瓦河口中学、里加45中学、里加64中学的负责人以及志愿者老师。娜塔莉亚校长和玛琳娜副校长对嘉宾们的到来表示了热烈欢迎。


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