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Autumn Delights: The 1st Chinese Corner Event Concludes at Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia 秋日畅谈:2023-2024学年拉大人文学院首期汉语角活动圆满收官

Autumn Delights: The 1st Chinese Corner Event Concludes at Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia 秋日畅谈:2023-2024学年拉大人文学院首期汉语角活动圆满收官

[Reported by Faculty of Humanities, University of Latvia; Reporter:Bai Bingyu; Photographer: Xu Shen] Riga, Latvia, October 6, 2023 – From 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM local time, the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Latvia hosted its first Chinese Corner event of the academic year in Room 431 of the Faculty building. Hosted by Prof. Agita Baltgalve, Head of the Chinese Department, and Chinese teacher Bai Bingyu, the event attracted nearly forty Chinese language enthusiasts and Chinese international students. The event was divided into two segments: a discussion on autumn-themed topics and an appreciation of Tang and Song poems for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Every participant fully immersed themselves in the world of Chinese and Latvian languages, resulting in continuous laughter and a warm, lively atmosphere.

After the event, participants expressed their anticipation for the next gathering. The second Chinese Corner event, with a film viewing theme, is scheduled to take place at the end of October.

【拉脱维亚大学人文学院讯 通讯员:白冰玉 摄影:徐申】里加时间2023年10月6日下午六点至八点,拉脱维亚大学人文学院本学年第一场汉语角活动在人文学院主楼431教室欢快上演。本次活动吸引了近四十位汉语爱好者和中国留学生参加,由人文学院中文专业负责人鲍葛薇教授和汉语教师白冰玉主持。活动分为秋季主题探讨和中秋唐诗宋词赏析两个环节。每一位参加者都完全沉浸在汉语和拉语的小世界,期间笑声不断,场面温馨热闹。活动结束后,参加者们纷纷表示期待下一次相聚。第二场观影主题汉语角活动计划于十月底举行。

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