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Confucius Institute at University of Latvia successfully showed up on the Event of “Night of Science “

Confucius Institute at University of Latvia successfully showed up on the Event of “Night of Science “

On the evening of September 30, 2022, from 19:00 to 21:00, Latvia time, Confucius Institute at University of Latvia was invited to participate in the “Night of Science”event on new campus of University of Latvia. Chinese Director Shang Quanyu and his wife Zhang Guiying, Secretary Anastasija Galkina, Local Chinese teacher Madara Smalka, Chinese teacher Bai Bingyu, and four volunteer Chinese teachers Liu Xian, Tang Jing, Li Xin and Xu Shen attended the event. People from all walks of life gathered at the new campus of University of Latvia. Facing the sunset, the Confucius Institute made a successful appearance at this event.

The “Night of Science” event lasted for more than two hours. In addition to various products with a strong sense of science and technology, the Confucius Institute is the one that attracts much attention. In this activity, the Confucius Institute has set up two types of activities. The first activity is to take Chinese names for the participants on the spot with the help of Chinese teachers.  The Chinese teachers first introduced the difference between the order of Chinese names and Western names; secondly, with the help of the Chinese teachers, the participants chose a unique Chinese name according to the pronunciation of their own names, the meaning of the Chinese characters they like, and everyone’s different preferences. Regardless of gender and age, everyone enthusiastically participated in the event, and there were even long queues, creating a lively atmosphere. For the second event, the Confucius Institute brought the Hanfu Experience Hall to the site in a unique way, and the gorgeous costumes amazed everyone. After the experience, people picked up cameras and recorded their different selves after wearing Hanfu. The western faces with traditional Chinese costumes have a unique beauty. At the same time, the Chinese teachers also explained the history and some basic types of Hanfu to the people. Everyone gained a lot of knowledge related to traditional Chinese culture while harvesting beauty. At the end of the event, the person in charge of the “Night of Science” expressed warm congratulations on the successful appearance of the Confucius Institute.

“China has great etiquette, so it is called Xia; it has the beauty of clothing and regulations, so it is called Hua.” When experiencing Hanfu and taking a Chinese name become fashionable in Latvia, in the future it could be expected that “the flower of Chinese” will definitely blossom more grandly in Lativa.


“ 科学之夜”活动持续两个多小时,除了各种科技感十足的产品以外,备受瞩目的便是拉大孔院。在本次活动中,拉大孔院设置了两种类型的活动。第一种活动是在汉语教师的帮助下,现场为参与者取中文名字。汉语老师首先介绍了中文姓名的先后次序与西方人姓名的不同之处;其次参与者在汉语老师的帮助下,根据自己本身名字的发音和喜欢的汉字含义,以及每个人不同的喜好选取独一无二的中文名字。不论男女老少,大家都热情参与其中,甚至还排起了长队,现场氛围热烈纷繁。第二种活动,拉大孔院别出心裁地将汉服体验馆搬到了现场,华美的服饰惊艳众人。人们在体验之后,纷纷拿起相机将穿上汉服后不一样的自己记录了下来,西方人深邃的面庞配上传统的中国服饰,有一种别具特色的美丽。与此同时,汉语教师也在一旁向人们讲解汉服的历史和一些基本的类型,大家在收获美丽的同时也收获了很多与中国传统文化相关的知识,可谓是获益匪浅。活动最后,“科学之夜”负责人对拉大孔院在本次活动上的成功亮相表示了热烈的祝贺,此次活动完美落下帷幕。

“中国有礼仪之大,故称夏;有服章之美,谓之华。” 当体验汉服和取一个中文名字在拉脱维亚变成一种时髦,相信“汉语之花”在不久的将来一定会以更盛大的方式开遍拉脱维亚的各个角落。

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