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Confucius Classroom at Riga 34 Middle School celebrates Spring Festival and perceives Chinese traditional culture of Spring Festival

Confucius Classroom at Riga 34 Middle School celebrates Spring Festival and perceives Chinese traditional culture of Spring Festival

From February 11th to 19th , local time, in order to celebrate the coming Chinese new year, Confucius Classroom at Riga 34 Middle School launched an online culture course with the theme of “Spring Festival”. All students in grades 5 to 10 of the school’s Chinese language learning class participated in the activity.

Shuang Niu, a volunteer Chinese teacher, used the question of “What will you do in the Spring Festival?” as leading-in, and the students had a heated discussion, which aroused their interest. Next, played a video about the introduction of the Spring Festival and the origin, customs and traditions of the Spring Festival, Latvian friends appreciated the long historical and cultural connotation behind the Spring Festival; the explanation of dumplings, Tangyuan and other Spring Festival food revealed the symbolic significance of the food culture of the Spring Festival to surpass the material and turn the material objects into beautiful expectations.

In addition, teacher Niu Shuang introduced the traditional customs of the Chinese Spring Festival, such as “cleaning dust, pasting Spring Festival couplets, making dumplings, New Year’s money, and paying New Year’s greetings”. And she made a comparison between Chinese and foreign New Year customs, enabling students to understand the traditional Chinese psychology and values, and found similarities between different cultures to promote positive interaction; she led students write the word “Fu” together, helping students understand the word “Fu”, which embodies people’s yearning for a happy life and their profound wishes for a better future.

In addition, Riga Secondary School 34 actively registered to participate in the first Latvian Confucius Institute Internet Spring Festival Gala. With the help of school music teachers Sevtlana Sibaeva and Evita, all students learning Chinese from grades 1 to 10 participated in the recording of the Internet Spring Festival Gala. They paid New Year’s greetings in Chinese and performed songs such as “Two Tigers”, “The Bug Flies”, “Grain in Ear”, “Jasmine Flower”, “Spring Dawn”, “Girls of Ali Mountain” and “Tomorrow Will Be Better”. The students showed their enthusiasm for learning Chinese. Welcome to the first Latvian Confucius Institute Internet Spring Festival Gala.




此外,里加34中学积极报名参加拉脱维亚孔子学院首届网络春晚,通过学校音乐老师Sevtlana Sibaeva和Evita的帮助下,一年级至十年级所有学汉语的学生都参与了此次网络春晚的录制。大家分别用中文拜年,表演了歌曲《两只老虎》、《虫儿飞》、《芒种》、《茉莉花》《友谊地久天长》、《春晓》、《阿里山的姑娘》、《明天会更好》。同学们展示了对学习汉语无限的热情,欢迎大家来观看拉脱维亚孔子学院首届网络春晚。

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