The 2019 “Confucius Institute Day” and the 100th Anniversary of the University of Latvia Successfully Held

接着,拉脱维亚大学副校长-孔子学院理事长Ina Druviete女士和中国驻拉脱维亚大使馆梁建全大使分别致辞,表达了对孔子学院和拉脱维亚大学热烈的祝贺。Ina Druviete校长在致辞中充分肯定了孔子学院的工作,她表示今天是孔子学院和拉脱维亚大学共同的生日,正是长期以来各方的共同努力取得了今天的成果,期待在更多领域加深合作。梁建全大使强调,孔子学院作为中拉友好关系的重要成果,为加强两国文化交流、增进中拉各领域务实合作提供了重要支撑,希望随着中拉关系的深入发展,拉脱维亚大学和拉脱维亚大学孔子学院为促进中拉人文交流与合作发挥更大作用,作出更大贡献。
致辞结束后,一场精彩绝伦的文艺演出拉开了帷幕。拳法刚劲有力,太极刚柔并济,拉脱维亚武术协会的开场表演,极具气势,震撼全场;里加34中学的学生们演唱的《小小世界》与《爱与关怀》,把大家带回到孩童时纯真的世界;墨香与茶香伴着古筝悠扬的琴声,诗朗诵与民族舞蹈的完美结合,汉语教师志愿者们为大家献上了一场别具一格的中国文化才艺秀;拉脱维亚音乐学院中国留学生带来的四手联弹《唐璜》以及歌曲独唱《父亲的草原母亲的河》,让人沉浸在美妙的音乐世界中。叶尔加瓦斯比杜拉中学的爱丽丝表演的《中国风Pop Dance》将中国古典舞的柔美细腻与流行舞的奔放大气完美融合。接着,汉语教师志愿者们纷纷走上舞台,向观众展示中华文化体验项目。汉服区的两位老师带来的歌舞节目《芒种》,将现场的气氛推向了高潮。演出结束后,中华文化体验活动正式开始。观众们前往各个展区体验写书法、穿汉服、编手链、打太极等传统文化项目,开启他们的中国文化之旅。
Local time at 14: 00 on 28th September in Latvia, the “Confucius Institute Day” and the 100th Anniversary of the University of Latvia was held in the Grand Auditorium of the University of Latvia in 2019. From the Chinese Embassy, the Foreign Ministry of Latvia, China Culture Center in Latvia, Xinhua News Agency, the University of Latvia, Confucius Institute at University of Latvia, China Alumni Association of Latvia, Riga University of Technology, Daugavpils University, Riga No.34 Secondary School, Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School, Jekabpils State Gymnasium, Latvia Sports Wushu Federation, Ventspils University of Applied Sciences, Rezekne Academy of Technology and Flying Brush Studio, Formosa Tourism Company, The Latvian Federation of Oversea Chinese Compatriots, Huawei Technologies Latvia Subsidiary, SIA Tongyu Communication, Latvia MGI Tech and Fudan University, as well as people all aspects of society, More than 400 people attended the event.
First of all, the Chinese-side Director of Prof.Shang Quanyu and the Latvian-side Director of Prof.Peteris Pidegovics first expressed a warm welcome to the guests and gave speeches in Chinese and Latvian respectively. Two directors both mentioned the Confucius Institute at University of Latvia and the development of Chinese teaching in Latvia is inseparable from the above-mentioned units, the strong support, and concern of all aspects of society. They sincerely hope that with the joint efforts of all units, the Confucius Institute at University of Latvia will be better and better, and get even greater achievements.
Then, Ms.Ina Druviete, the Deputy rector of the University of Latvia and the Ambassador Liang Jianquan of the Chinese Embassy in Latvia expressed the best wishes to the Confucius Institute Day and the University of Latvia. President Ina Druviete fully affirmed the work of the Confucius Institute in her speech. She said that today is the birthday of the Confucius Institute and the University of Latvia, and it is the efforts of all aspects. They look forward to deepening cooperation in more areas. Ambassador Liang Jianquan stressed that as an important result of the friendly relations between China and Latvia, the Confucius Institute has provided important support for strengthening cultural exchanges between the two countries and enhancing practical cooperation in various fields between China and Latvia. The University of Latvia and the Confucius Institute at University of Latvia have played a greater role and made greater contributions to promoting exchanges and cooperation between China and Latvia.
After the speech, the show filled with Chinese and Latvian styles opened. Latvia Sports Wushu Federation’s opening performance, especially powerful, shocked the whole audience; The students of Riga No.34 Secondary School sing “the Little World” and “Love and Care” to bring us back to the world of innocence as a child. Ink and tea incense with the melodious piano sound of zither, the perfect combination of poetry recitation and national dance, volunteer Chinese teachers presented a unique Chinese cultural talent show; The four-handed “Don Juan” and the solo song “Father’s Prairie Mother’s River” brought by Chinese students at the Latvian Conservatory of Music immerse people in the wonderful world of music. Alice of Jelgava Spidola State Gymnasium performed “Pop Dance in Chinese style”, which perfectly combines the softness and delicacy of Chinese classical dance with the unrestrained atmosphere of the pop dance. Then, Volunteer Chinese teachers stepped onto the stage one after another to show the audience the Chinese cultural experience project. The song and dance program “Grain in Beard” brought by two teachers in Hanfu District pushed the atmosphere of the scene to the most wonderful part. After the performance, the Chinese cultural experience officially began. Visitors went to various exhibition areas to experience traditional cultural projects such as writing calligraphy, wearing Chinese clothes, weaving bracelets, so as to start their journey of Chinese culture.
This show is quite successful. It is a true witness to the friendship between China and Latvia, an important opportunity for cultural dissemination, and a good platform for cultural exchanges. May the two countries be better in the future.