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2019 Mid-Autumn Festival-Confucius Institute Day-100th Anniversary Concert of the University of Latvia Successfully Held

2019 Mid-Autumn Festival-Confucius Institute Day-100th Anniversary Concert of the University of Latvia Successfully Held


参加本次音乐会的嘉宾主要有中国驻拉脱维亚大使馆临时代办孙应来先生和商务参赞沈晓凯先生,里加工业大学副校长Igors Tipans先生和中文项目负责人Anna Sedova女士,道加瓦皮尔斯大学副校长Maija Burima女士, 里加34中学校长Natalia Rogaleva女士、副校长Marina Grečaņina女士和音乐老师Svetlana Sibaeva女士,里加道加瓦河口中学副校长Lubova Bogdanova-Zhidkova女士,拉脱维亚留华同学会会长Karina Jermaka女士、秘书长Jekaterina Pavlova女士,拉脱维亚音乐学院钢琴教授juris zvikovs先生,中国文化中心主任张丽丽女士,新华社李德萍女士,拉脱维亚大学中国留学生代表吕妍女士和黄珊女士,以及华人华侨代表。此外,拉脱维亚大学孔子学院拉方院长贝德高教授、中方院长尚劝余教授和秘书Katrina Barisa女士、全体汉语教师志愿者以及学生代表等100余人出席了音乐会。




Local time September 15th, Confucius Institute of University of Latvia held a Mid-Autumn Festival-Confucius Institute Day-100th Anniversary Concert in the auditorium of University of Latvia. In the concert musicians Huang Zhaomin and Fu Beiyi from Hong Kong, and students Xia Mengjie, Huang Yaqian and He Saixin from Latvian Academy of Music were invited to bring us a wonderful  music feast.

The guests attending the concert were Mr. Sun Yinglai, Charged’affaires a.i. of the Chinese embassy in Latvia, and Mr. Shen Xiaokai, commercial counsellor, Mr. Igors Tipans, Deputy rector of Riga Technical University, Ms. Natalia Rogaleva, principal of Riga No.34 Middle School, Ms. Lubova Bogdanova-Zhidkova, vice principal of Riga Daugavgriva Secondary School, Ms. Karina Jermaka, chairperson of Latvian Chinese Studies Association, Mr. Juris Zvikovs, piano professor of Latvian Academy of Music, Ms. Li Deping, Xinhua News Agency, Ms. Lv Yan and Ms. Huang Shan, representatives of Chinese students at University of Latvia. Moreover, Prof. Pildegovics and Prof. Shang Quanyu, directors of Confucius Institute at University of Latvia, Ms. Katrina Barisa, secretary of Confucius Institute, and all Chinese teachers and some student representatives attended the concert. Altogether, more than 100 people attended the concert.

The concert was mainly divided into three parts. In the first part, the hosts introduced the distinguished guests. In their welcoming remarks, Prof. Pildegovics and Prof.Shang Quanyu expressed their warm welcome and heartfelt thanks to all the guests and delegates attending the concert, extending their best wishes to them. Charged’affaires a.i. Sun Yinglai expressed his appreciation and gratitude for the contributions made by Confucius Institute at University of Latvia, and wished the concert a complete success in his speech. The second part was a formal performance, including Pipa, Marimba and other musical instruments and solo songs. At the end of the concert, Hong Kong musicians and all the Chinese teachers of Confucius Institute performed the song “the Moon Represents My Heart.”

Finally, all the guests took pictures together and tasted the moon cakes from China.

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