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Annual General Meeting and Chinese Graduation Ceremony Were Hold Successfully at Daugavpils University

Annual General Meeting and Chinese Graduation Ceremony Were Hold Successfully at Daugavpils University



中午的工作会议则针对本学年的汉语教学工作展开,道家瓦皮尔斯大学校长Irēna Kokina、人文学院副院长Elīna Vasiļjeva、外语部主任Sergejs Poļanskis、代理部门主管Ilze Oļehnoviča和孔子学院中方院长尚劝余教授,拉方院长贝德高教授及两位志愿者老师出席了本次会议。尚院长首先对本学年的汉语教学情况进行了总结,对取得的成果进行了肯定并感谢学校相关领导对汉语教学事业的大力支持。接着双方对接下来工作的开展进行了规划并制定相关的工作方案。

下午道加瓦皮尔斯大学汉语课结业典礼在孔子课堂教室隆重举行。拉脱维亚大学孔子学院中方院长尚劝余教授、拉方院长贝德高教授,道家瓦皮尔斯大学人文学院副院长Elīna Vasiļjeva及道加瓦皮尔斯大学外语部主任Sergejs Poļanskis出席了此次典礼。首先由拉脱维亚大学孔子学院拉方院长贝德高教授和中方院长尚劝余教授致辞。他们回顾了道加瓦皮尔斯大学孔子课堂自成立以来取得的成就,尚教授对同学们汉语学习取得的一系列成果进行总结,对同学们的杰出表现予以肯定。贝教授则和同学们分享了自己学习汉语及编纂词典的故事,希望大家珍惜宝贵的学习机会,再接再厉取得更好的成绩。接着学生们用汉语进行自我介绍,分享了一些自己学习过程中的收获和感悟,有的学生还讲述了自己在中国留学的故事,表示了自己对汉语和中国文化的喜爱,大家都很感谢孔子学院及道家瓦皮尔斯大学提供给他们这么好的学习机会和平台,让她们可以跟着优秀的老师学习地道的汉语,更有机会去中国参观留学,他们都期待能身临其境的感受中国的一切。最后道加瓦皮尔斯大学外语部主任塞尔盖,孔子学院中方院长尚教授和拉方院长贝教授共同为学生颁发结业证书并表示祝贺,恭喜同学们以优异的成绩完成了本学年的汉语学习。


Local time on 29th of May, 2018, Professor Pēteris Pildegovičs and Professor Shang Quanyu, the Latvian and Chinese Directors of the Confucius Institute at University of Latvia, made a Chinese promotion tour to local middle schools at Daugavpils and attended the annual general meeting and Chinese language course graduation ceremony at Daugavpils University.

In the morning, Professor Pēteris Pildegovičs and Professor Shang Quanyu visited the first and second middle schools at Daugavpils. They discussed the issue about opening Chinese language classes and promoting Chinese language teaching with the headmasters of both schools. Then they visited the newly opened Confucius Classroom at Kraslava Middle School, supplemented details about arrangement and implementation of specific Chinese courses in the coming academic year.

In the noon, the annual general meeting about Chinese teaching at Daugavpils University was hold at DU. Dr. psych. Irēna Kokina, Rector Professor, Sergejs Poļanskis, Director of Foreign Language Department, psych. Elīna Vasiļjeva ,Deputy Dean of Faculty of Humanities of School of Humanities, philol., doc. Ilze Oļehnovičaname, Acting Head of the Department English Philology and Translatology and the Directors Professor Pēteris Pildegovičs and Professor Shang Quanyu attended the meeting. Professor Shang Quanyu summarized the situation of Chinese teaching in this academic year first. He mentioned that Daugavpils University is the first and unique university in Latvia which opened Chinese credit class. He thanked the related leaders at DU for their powerful supporting and making the most fruitful achievement in the passed academic year. Then the both sides discussed about the work plan for the next academic year.

In the afternoon, the Chinese Graduation Ceremony was hold at Confucius Classroom at DU. Professor Pēteris Pildegovičs , Professor Shang Quanyu and Director Sergejs Poļanskis presented in the ceremony. First, Professor Shang and Professor Pildegovičs gave an address to the ceremony. Professor Shang concluded the achievement that teachers and students had made in past 6 years and showed acknowledgement of the outstanding performance of the students. Professor Pildegovičs shared his own life story about learning Chinese and editing Chinese-Latvian Dictionary. He also stressed that the chance to study Chinese here in Daugavplis University is much precious. So he hopes everyone could cherish it and achieve a lot in Chinese learning. Then students of Confucius Classroom introduced themselves in Chinese. Through the speeches, they shared the gains and insights in their learning process, showed their love of China and Chinese culture, and thanked Confucius Institute for such a great opportunity to learn Chinese and apply for scholarship to study in China. One of the students who had studied in China for one year also shared her personal experience to all the students. At last, Director Sergejs Poļanskis, Professor Shang and Professor Pildegovičs awarded the diploma to the students and congratulated them on their grades. The ceremony was ended full of hopes and wishes to the next year.





















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