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Hold your hand to read poem, Night and day with Chinese chat——Cum laude lovers study Chinese at Riga Technical University

Hold your hand to read poem, Night and day with Chinese chat——Cum laude lovers study Chinese at Riga Technical University


2018年5月21日,迪米特里和安娜斯塔西亚如往常一样,背着书包匆匆赶到汉语课堂。他们是里加理工大学汉语基础班的学生,也是班级里特殊的一对“学霸夫妻”。每周一和周三的下午四点半是基础班汉语课授课时间,已经毕业了的迪米特里不得不向公司借用时间提前下班,飞速赶往汉语课堂。而忙着准备硕士毕业论文的安娜斯塔西亚为了实现“中国通”的梦想,即使再忙再累也不会落下任何一次学汉语的机会。 “我们在家里用汉语聊天儿觉得很有意思”,汉语成了这对学霸夫妻之间的生活调味品。在迪米特里看来,学汉语说汉语俨然成为了恋爱中最浪漫的事。从2016年9月至今,他们已经学习了四个学期的汉语,汉语见证了他们从相识相恋走到婚姻的殿堂。在2017年3月的汉语桥大学生初级组比赛中,迪米特里和安娜斯塔西亚夺得了第一名和优秀奖的好成绩,在汉语漫漫长路上,他们上下求索,互相扶持,共同进步。无独有偶,里加理工大学汉语零基础班的学生安东尼和瑞莎也是令人瞩目的一对“学霸情侣”,他们的经历与迪米特里夫妇颇为相似。在瑞莎忙于论文考试无法兼顾汉语学习之时,安东尼总是认真记上笔记,学着汉语老师的模样,在家里有板有眼的为瑞莎辅导汉语,纠正发音。2017年3月,安东尼和瑞莎一起参加了汉语水平考试,以优异的成绩通过考试,拿到了今年夏天前往中国学习的入场券。


What is the most romantic thing in the world? Perhaps it is the companion of the world of mortals, and it may be life for elegance and unconventional; perhaps it is to watch the setting sun go down, and slowly grow old with you; and it may also be a dream and a ten miles tenderness. In Riga, the small town on the shore of the Baltic Sea, the most romantic thing is not to sit on the coast of Jurmala to accompany you to the sea, but to accompany you to learn Chinese forever.

On May 21, 2018, Dmitrijs and Anastasia, as usual, rushed to the Chinese language class with their bags. They are students from the basic Chinese language class of Riga Technical University, and they are also the special students of ” Cum laude couples” in the class. On Mondays and Wednesdays, at 4:30 in the afternoon, basic classes are taught in Chinese classes. Dmitrijs, who has already graduated, had to borrow time from the company to get off work early and rush to the Chinese language class. Anastasia, who is busy preparing master’s thesis, but she never lost any opportunity to learn Chinese in order to realize the dream of “China connoisseur.” “We find it very interesting to chat in Chinese at home.” Chinese has become a life condiment between the couples. In Dmitrijs’s view, learning Chinese to speak Chinese has become the most romantic thing in their love. From September 2016 to the present, they have studied Chinese for four semesters, and Chinese have witnessed their journey from acquaintances to marriage. In April 2017, the Chinese bridge college students’ junior group competition, Dmitrijs and Anastasia won first place and outstanding achievement. In the long journey of learn Chinese, they searched for and supported each other and made progress together. Coincidentally, Anatolijs Ponkratjevs and Rasa, students of the zero-based Chinese language course at the Technical University of Riga, are also an impressive pair of “Cum laude lovers.” Their experience is similar to that of Dmitrijs and his wife. When Rasa was busy with the dissertation examination and could not take into account Chinese language learning, Anthony always wrote the notes carefully and learned the appearance of the Chinese teacher. He was very knowledgeable in the family to teach Chinese to Rasa and correct her pronunciation. In March 2017, Anatolijs and Rasa participated HSK, passed the exam with excellent results, and got tickets to study in China this summer.

In the wave of Chinese fever sweeping the world, under the impact of diversified thinking, learning Chinese to show lover’s love has become the coolest way to attract people on Wechat and Facebook. Why study Chinese can promote the exchange of feelings and narrow the distance between them? Maybe it is “You look really serious about learning Chinese.”

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