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The Delegation from the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia Visits Krāslavas ģimnāzija拉脱维亚大学孔子学院院长一行访问克拉斯拉瓦中学

The Delegation from the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia Visits Krāslavas ģimnāzija拉脱维亚大学孔子学院院长一行访问克拉斯拉瓦中学

 On the morning of May 16, local time, Professor Peteris Pildegovics, Latvian Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia, Professor He Dong, Chinese Director, his wife Tao Liping, and Secretary Anastasija Galkina visited Krāslavas ģimnāzija. They were warmly received by the school’s Vice Principal, Sandra Nemeņonoka, Ilga Stikute, the Chinese teacher, Sun Zhihui, and the teacher in charge of the Chinese class, Ilona Stepiņa.

During the visit, the two directors of the Confucius Institute first awarded certificates for the 2023-2024 Chinese language courses to the students of the school’s Chinese class and encouraged them to keep up their efforts. Subsequently, the Director of the Confucius Institute held a warm discussion with the teachers and students of school, encouraging the students to continue to study Chinese and strive to become messengers of China-Latvia friendship in the future.

After the symposium, the two directors of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia presented books such as “The 10th Anniversary of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia”, “Selected Translations of Tang Poems”, “Panda Chinese” and “My Chinese Story” in Russian and English. The guests also attended a buffet in the president’s office and had in-depth exchanges on the future cooperation between the two sides. Finally, everyone took a group photo, and the event ended successfully.

【拉脱维亚大学孔子学院 通讯员:孙智慧 摄影:陶丽萍】当地时间5月16日上午10点,拉脱维亚大学孔子学院拉方院长贝德高教授、中方院长何东教授及其夫人陶丽萍女士、秘书高安娜女士一行访问了克拉斯拉瓦中学,受到中学副校长Sandra Nemeņonoka女士、Ilga Stikute主任、汉语教学点负责人Stepiņa Ilona及汉语教师志愿者孙智慧等人热情接待。



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