Students from Faculty of Humanities at University of Latvia Attended Opening Ceremony of Chinese Ink Painting Exhibition 拉脱维亚大学人文学院师生参加中国水墨画展开幕式

On September 29, 2023, at 12:30 local time, students from the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Latvia participated in the opening ceremony of a Chinese ink painting exhibition curated by Professor Agnese Haijima. During the opening ceremony, the Rector of the University of Latvia, Mr. Indriķis Muižnieks, extended a warm welcome to the guests. He mentioned that the world had recently been celebrating China’s National Day, and the University of Latvia was actively engaged in cooperation with China to provide a gateway for more Chinese language and culture enthusiasts. Subsequently, the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Latvia, Mr. Tang Songgen, noted that he often heard Chinese greetings from people on the streets of Latvia, which pleasantly surprised him. He expressed his hope that Chinese language teaching and Sinology research in Latvia would thrive, facilitating academic exchanges and developing mutual understanding between the two nations and two peoples.
The star of the art exhibition, Professor Agnese Haijima, shared her experiences of studying in China’s Shandong province since 1995. Her initiation into the world of Chinese ink painting was guided by her mentor, Mr. Wu Lei, a renowned Chinese painting artist at the time. After several years of studying in Japan, she returned to China as a visiting scholar in Shenyang, where she created numerous artworks, some of which were showcased in this exhibition. Professor Haijima inspired the Chinese Studies students present at the event, saying, “Studying foreign cultures and languages can open doors to opportunities in every corner of the world. Please continue to pursue your interests and careers, broaden your horizons, as the future is in your hands.”
In conclusion, the event was a celebration of Chinese culture and academic exchange between Latvia and China, with a strong emphasis on the importance of language and cultural understanding in today’s interconnected world.