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A Wonderful Mid-Autumn Moon-Viewing Night 中秋赏月之夜精彩举行

A Wonderful Mid-Autumn Moon-Viewing Night 中秋赏月之夜精彩举行

[Confucius Institute of the University of Latvia News, Correspondent Shen Sishun, Photography by Xu Shen]On September 29, 2023, coinciding with the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, the Confucius Institute organized a unique moon-watching event titled “Mid-Autumn Night, Farewell to director Shang.” The event took place at the home of Professor He Dong, the newly appointed Chinese director of the Confucius Institute, providing an opportunity for relaxation, communication, and celebrating the festival.

During the event, Professor He Dong and his wife, Mrs. Tao Liping, warmly welcomed all colleagues to their home. They expressed their gratitude and reluctance to say goodbye to the former director, Professor Shang Quanyu, and his wife, Mrs. Zhang Guiying. They extended their best wishes for the Mid-Autumn Festival and performed a song with Inner Mongolian style. The atmosphere of the tea party was very relaxed, and the staff of the Confucius Institute enjoyed various snacks and mooncakes while discussing their work achievements and life joys. Director Shang and his wife took a group photo with the teachers, raised their glasses, and bid farewell with deep feelings.

This event strengthened the team cohesion of the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia and promoted friendship among the staff. The event was a complete success.

【拉脱维亚大学孔子学院讯 通讯员 沈思顺 摄影 徐申】2023年9月29日,恰逢中国传统的中秋佳节,孔子学院特别举办了一场别开生面的、题为“中秋之夜,话别尚院”的赏月活动。活动地点定在新任孔子学院中方院长何东教授家中。活动为大家提供了一个放松、交流和共度佳节的机会。



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