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CCTV Team Paid a Visit to Confucius Institute at University of Latvia

CCTV Team Paid a Visit to Confucius Institute at University of Latvia

CCTV-4 is going to launch the documentary “The Taste of the Chinese New Year”, which tells the vivid Chinese New Year stories and shows the changes of the Chinese New Year in different eras, so as to spread and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture, and trace the roots to interpret the taste of the Chinese New Year.

In view of Professor Pildegovics’ research on traditional Chinese culture and his contribution to the spread of Chinese culture, CCTV invites him to participate in the expert interview of “The Taste of the Chinese New Year” for global audience to understand Chinese New Year.

On December 10, 2021, the CCTV video camera crew visited Confucius Institute at University of Latvia and gave an exclusive interview with Professor Pildegovics. Professor Pildegovics talked about the original meaning of the word “Nian”, “Sweeping Dust”, the structure and connotation of the traditional Chinese word “Ritual”, custom of sacrifice to the Kitchen God, ringing out the Old Year and ringing in the New Year, the relationship between the beginning of spring and the Spring Festival, the social functions of worshiping gods and ancestors during the Spring Festival, traditions of eating fish at New Year’s Eve dinners in various places, Spring Festival travel rush, overseas Chinese looking for their roots,etc. Besides, with his own personal experience of spending the Spring Festival five times in China, he interpreted the taste of the Chinese New Year.

The program will be shown on CCTV-4 Channel Asia, Channel Europe and Channel America during the Spring Festival this year.






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