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The Lecture Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism Compared”Successfully Held in Humanities College

The Lecture Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism Compared”Successfully Held in Humanities College

当地时间2019年5月28日下午18时,拉脱维亚大学人文学院亚洲系中文专业负责人鲍葛薇(Agita Baltgalve)在拉脱维亚大学人文学院报告厅成功开展了“汉传佛教与藏传佛教比较”讲座。
中国驻拉脱维亚大使馆主任黄海波,拉大孔院中方院长尚劝余教授、拉脱维亚大学人文学院亚洲系主任Janis Priede ,拉脱维亚大学汉语教师王琼子老师,拉脱维亚大学孔子学院里加各教学点师生代表及华人华侨出席本次讲座。


At 18: 00 p.m. local time on may 28, 2019, Agita Baltgalve, head of the Asian department of the humanities college of Latvian University, successfully held a lecture on ” Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism Compared” in the lecture hall of the humanities college of Latvian University.

Huang Haibo, Director of the Chinese Embassy in Latvia, Professor Shang Quan Yu, Chinese Dean of Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia, Janis Priede, Head of the Asian Department of the Faculty of Humanities of Latvian University, Teacher Wang Qiongzi, Chinese teacher of Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia ,teachers and students representatives from Riga’s Confucius Institute school of Latvian University, and Chinese and overseas Chinese attended the lecture.

At the beginning of the lecture, the speaker of the lecture, Professor Agita, first expressed her gratitude to Huang Haibo, director of the Chinese Embassy in Latvia, who provided support and assistances to the lecture, Professor Shang,  Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia and Wang Qiongzi, a Chinese teacher at the Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia, and presented gifts.

In the lecture, Professor Agita gave a detailed introduction to the origin and development of Buddhism, and then made the audience have a clearer understanding of Buddhism by comparing the different characteristics of Chinese Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism. At the end of the lecture, Professor Agita gave a detailed answer to the questions raised by the audience. Finally, amid the applause of the audience, the lecture ended successfully.

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