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2018-2019 General Meeting and Graduation Ceremony at Daugavpils University Confucius Classroom

2018-2019 General Meeting and Graduation Ceremony at Daugavpils University Confucius Classroom


出席此次会议的有:道加瓦皮尔斯大学副校长Maijia Burima,人文学院院长Elīna Vasiļjeva,外语部主任Sergejs Poļanskis,代理部门主管Ilze Oļehnoviča和孔子学院中方院长尚劝余教授,拉方院长贝德高教授及两位志愿者老师。首先,Maijia Burima女士对两位院长的远道而来表示衷心的感谢,以及道加瓦皮尔斯大学对汉语教学事业的重视,并且表达了与中国高校合作的想法。其次,中方院长尚劝余教授总结了本学年的汉语教学情况,对取得的成果进行了肯定并感谢学校相关领导对汉语教学事业的大力支持,并且提出了道加瓦皮尔斯大学与中国高校合作方式的初步建议。此外,双方讨论了明年汉语学分班毕业生的答辩事宜,对接下来的工作开展进行了规划。

下午四点四十五分,道加瓦皮尔斯大学汉语课结业典礼在孔子课堂教室隆重举行。拉脱维亚大学孔子学院中方院长尚劝余教授、拉方院长贝德高教授,道家瓦皮尔斯大学副校长Maijia Burima及道加瓦皮尔斯大学外语部主任Sergejs Poļanskis出席了此次典礼。首先,典礼由一段温馨的小视频开场,同学们都能在视频中找到自己可爱的模样。其次,由汉语老师依次介绍出席的领导,并且各位领导给同学们进行致辞。接下来,由学生向各位领导进行一段简短的中文演讲,以展示这一年来学习的成果。演讲结束后,几位同学又以中国茶艺、剪纸、中国结、中国书法和汉语歌的形式向在座的各位展示了他们在文化课中的学习成果。伴着美妙的歌声,同学们所展示的才艺也告一段落了。最后,道家瓦皮尔斯大学副校长Maijia Burima、道加瓦皮尔斯大学外语部主任Sergejs Poļanskis、孔子学院中方院长尚教授和拉方院长贝教授共同为同学们颁发结业证书并表示祝贺,恭喜同学们以优异的成绩完成了本学年的汉语学习。


Local time on 22nd of May, 2019, Professor Pēteris Pildegovičs and Professor Shang Quanyu, the Latvian and Chinese Directors of the Confucius Institute at University of Latvia, attended the annual general meeting and Chinese language course graduation ceremony at Daugavpils University.

Maija Burima, Vice-rector for Studies, Elīna Vasiļjeva, Dean of Faculty of Humanities, Sergejs Poļanskis, Acting Director of Foreign Language Department, Ilze Oļehnovičaname, Acting Head of the Department English Philology from DU, the Directors Professor Pēteris Pildegovičs and Professor Shang Quanyu from LUCI, and two volunteer teachers from Confucius Classroom at DU have attended the meeting. First of all, Ms.Maijia Burima expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the two deans, as well as their support on Chinese language studies at DU. She also expressed the idea of cooperation with Chinese universities in specific field. Later, Professor Shang Quanyu summed up the Chinese teaching development in the whole academic year, highly praised the achievements and thanked all the professors for their hardworking and fruitful achievement, and offered his preliminary proposal for the way of cooperation between Daugavpils University and Chinese universities. In addition, the two sides discussed the arrangement of final defense of the graduates from Chinese Academic Group next year.

In the afternoon, the Chinese Graduation Ceremony was hold at Confucius Classroom at DU. Mrs.Maija Burima, Mr.Pēteris Pildegovičs, Mr.Shang Quanyu and Mr.Sergejs Poļanskis presented in the ceremony. The ceremony started with a flashback video which summarized the whole year’s story of Confucius Classroom. All the students and professors could find their appearance in the video. Then, Mrs.Maija Burima, Mr.Pēteris Pildegovičs, Mr.Shang Quanyu and Mr.Sergejs Poļanskis gave speeches to the students, showing their thanks and compliment to the teachers and students, and shared their feeling and ideas about Chinese and language learning. Student representatives from each group also showed their Chinese speeches to everyone. Then, with the performance of Chinese tea ceremony, paper-cutting, Chinese knot making, Chinese calligraphy and Chinese song, the students showed their learning results from the cultural lessons. At last, Professor Maija Burima, Director Sergejs Poļanskis, Professor Shang and Professor Pildegovičs awarded the diploma to the students and congratulated them on their grades. The ceremony was ended full of hopes and wishes to the next year.

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