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Chinese Game and Food Activity Held by Confucius Classroom at Daugavpils University

Chinese Game and Food Activity Held by Confucius Classroom at Daugavpils University

Chinese Game and Food Activity took place in the Confucius Classroom at Daugavpils University, Local time at 4p.m, on 25th May, 2017.We are honored to invite the director of the department in foreign languages Sergejs as a judge to take part in this activity.

After introduce  the simple rules of the game, Chinese learners of different levels were divided into two teams. The first part,students picked out different colored candies according to Chinese instructions. In the second round, one person performs according to a Chinese word while others are guessing. And  also other colorful games .At the end of each link, the victory team can pick one of their favorite food.Finally each team can get some food and they need to use thier imigination to creative some patterns connected to China.

The whole activity not only lively but also  interesting.Through the game,students can review their knowledge and also deepening their understanding about China.






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