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2015-2016 Chinese Work Summary Conference and Farewell in Transportation and Telecommunication Institute

2015-2016 Chinese Work Summary Conference and Farewell in Transportation and Telecommunication Institute

  Local time at 14:00 on May 31th,2016, Transportation and Telecommunication Institute

had held 2015-2016 Chinese work summary conference and farewell successfully. Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute Professor Shang Quanyu, Latvian Director of the Confucius Institute Professor Peteris Pildegovics, Rector of Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Mr. Igors Graurs, Director of lifelong learning center of transportation and telecommunication institute, Ms. Jolanta Priede, Chinese volunteer teacher Wang Jiale attended the conference.

At the beginning of the conference, Mr. Igors Graurs introduced the history of Transportation and Telecommunication Institute and his indissoluble bond with China. Ms. Jolanta Priede made a conclusion 2015-2016 Chinese teaching work. Professor Peteris Pildegovics and Professor Shang Quanyu talked about this year’s Chinese teaching work and next year’s Chinese teaching plan with Mr. Igors Graurs and Ms. Jolanta Priede. Then Mr. Igors Graurs and Ms. Jolanta Priede highly praised and affirmed Chinese volunteer teacher Wang Jiale. Mr. Igors Graurs awarded the Certificate to Wang Jiale to thank for her efforts. He said , Wang Jiale would be a member of Transportation and Telecommunication Institute forever and welcomed she could teach Chinese again in Transportation and Telecommunication Institute. He wished Wang Jiale that everything will be OK. Chinese volunteer teacher Wang Jiale also thanked for the support and help from all of the directors and colleagues. They exchanged presents to express their dismay.

Finally, with Mr. Igors Graurs and Ms. Jolanta Priede ‘s company, Professor Peteris Pildegovics and Professor Shang Quanyu visited Chinese classroom in Transportation and Telecommunication Institute. They took pictures and ended the conference in friendly atmosphere. We hope that Chinese language study program will become better and better in Transport and Telecommunication Institute.

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