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Directors From Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia Awarded Certificates in Confucius Classroom at Daugavpils University

Directors From Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia  Awarded Certificates in  Confucius Classroom at Daugavpils University

Local time May 26, 2016 in the afternoon, directors from Confucius Institute at the University of Latvia awarded Certificates in Confucius Classroom at DaugavpilsUniversity..


A total of about 30 guests attended the ceremony, including the Latvian director of Confucius institute at University of Latvia Professor Peteris Pildegovics, and Chinese director of Confucius institute at University of Latvia Professor Shang quanyu.,the head of the department of foreign languages Sergejs Poļanskis ,the administrator of humanity faculty Eva Kasparenoka, the secretary of the department of foreign languages Inesa Antonova, students of Confucius Clasroom, etc.
The Chinese teachers Ni Yirong and Wang Zhijie thanked everyone for coming and announced the start of the ceremony . Firstly the directors of Confucius institute at University of Latvia Professor Shang Quanyu and Professor Peteris Pildegovics delivered an opening remark. They summarized the achievements had been made since the Confucius Classroom was established and congratulated the students’ great progress in Chinese, and thanked those who had contributed their efforts to support the development of the Confucius Classroom at Daugavpils University. Sergejs Poļanskis made a speech after that He noted that the Confucius Classroom meets the need of local people to study Chinese and hope the classroom can cultivate more envoys of friendship who knew about China and had enthusiasm for Chinese culture. He also represented the university to bring gifts to the directors and Chinese teachers.


Then Chinese volunteer teacher Wang Zhijie and Chinese teachers Ni Yirong made a summary about this year’s Chinese teaching, and encouraged everyone to redouble their efforts and achieve higher goals

After the teaching summary, the students from the Confucius Classroom presented a spectacular show to all the guests. The City group students sang the songs “The Moon Represents My Heart”  “Farewell” and recited the poems from Tang Dynasty. Mila and Natalie also wrote Chinese calligraphy, and gave their works to the two directors as gifts
Students from the middle-level group sang the song “Beijing Welcomes You”, the relaxed melody and cheerful dance brought the atmosphere of the ceremony to a climax. At the end of the song, everyone waved the Chinese national flags, expressing the desire to go to China and experience Chinese culture.
Students from the primary level group brought the poetry “Farewell to Cambridge” showing their not willing to say goodbye to their teachers. And they also sang the song”Auld Lang Syne” ,expressing the blessing that the friendship between China and Latvia can last forever.


After the wonderful performances, the directors of Confucius institute at University of Latvia Professor Peteris Pildegovics and Professor Shang quanyu awarded Certificates to the students and congratulated them of their completion of this year’s Chinese studying.Eva Kasparenoka and Inesa Antonova awarded the certificates of HSK to the students who have passed this year. And Sergejs Poļanskis awarded some Chinese books to the most outstanding students.

The ceremony ended in a joyful and harmonious atmosphere. The Chinese teachers and students reluctanted at parting, they hugged each other, and made a date to meet in China.

城市班学生演唱歌曲《送别》 大学生班学生演唱《友谊地久天长》 道加瓦皮尔斯大学外语部主任致辞 结业典礼合影 拉脱维亚大学孔子学院外方院长贝德高教授向学生赠送字典 两位孔子学院院长致开幕词 院长为学生发结业证书 中级班学生演唱歌曲《北京欢迎你》

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