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Confucius Institute Day and Mid-Autumn Day Gala Show in Confucius Institute of University of Latvia

Confucius Institute Day and Mid-Autumn Day Gala Show in Confucius  Institute of University of Latvia

Local time at 14:00 on September 26th in Latvia, 2015 Confucius Institute Day and Mid-Autumn Day Gala Show had been held in the

auditorium at the University of Latvia.

Chinese Consul in Latvia,Mr. Zeng Fuhua, humanities faculty of University of Latvia,Ms. Karīna Jermaka, humanities faculty of University of Latvia,Ms. Julija Gumilova,academic Library curator of University of Latvia, Ms. Venta Kocere, director of lifelong learning center of transportation and telecommunication institute,Ms.Irina Bausova, vice principal of Riga culture secondary school,Mr. Martins Berzins,principal of Riga 34 secondary school,Ms. Natalja Rogaleva , reporters from Xinhua News Agency Mr.Guo Qun and Ms. Li Deping, representatives of the Chinese Association, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute

Professor Shang Quanyu, Latvian Director of the Confucius Institute Professor Peteris Pildegovics, secretary Ms. Laura, Chinese teachers, Chinese volunteer teachers,, students and some local people were invited to attend this event.

This Confucius Institute Day Celebration is the second celebration since last year, and 27th September is Chinese traditional festival- Mid-Autumn Festival, which can be described as double celebration.Chinese and Latvian Director of the Confucius Institute and Professor Shang Quanyu and Professor Peteris Pildegovics gave the Chinese and Latvian speech to welcome invitied guests.

The speech was short and warming.They thanked those who had contributed their efforts to make the Confucius Institute University of Latvia better, and hoped that audience would enjoy the performances and celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival altogether.

The show’s programs were colorful and wonderful. Every Chinese teacher showed their talents to propagate Chinese traditional

culture and art, such as guzheng and calligraphy show of MoonlitRiver in Spring, dance of  Blooming Flowers and Full Moon,

hulusi playing of Bambusa Multiplex in Moonlight, Chinese opera YUEJU and so on.

Chinese learner,Martha,sang a song named Affection on the Stall Tea of the Front Gate in fluent Chinese,even though she was only

ten years old.Students in Riga culture secondary school sang the song, The Moon Represents My Heart,altogether.Maria who got

Confucius Institute scholarship showed Chinese painting on site,which brought the gala show to the highlight.She painted with writing brush proficiently on paper.When a classic Chinese Brush Painting, Chrysanthemum,was finished,the audience give a endless praise and applause.

Finally, the gala show were finished in laughter and applause in a success. After the show,every guest tasted Chinese delicious food and mooncakes in the Chinese Restaurant.Through this event,Chinese traditional culture is blooming again in Latvia,and enhance communication and friendship between Latvian and Chinese people.

《春江花月夜》古筝演奏和书法表演 《花好月圆》旗袍舞 《天上掉下个林妹妹》越剧演唱 《月光下的凤尾竹》葫芦丝演奏 10岁汉语学习者玛莎演唱《前门情思大碗茶》 2015拉脱维亚大学孔子学院日暨中秋晚会 孔子学院奖学金生玛丽亚现场作画---《秋菊》 中方院长尚劝余和外方院长贝德高教授致辞

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