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Riga 34 Middle School (Primary School) “International Mother Language Day” event successfully held

Posted by on Feb 23, 2023 in Confucius Institute Developments, Classroom Sketch | 0 comments

2023, February 21, at 13:00 local time in Riga Middle School (Primary School) Nr. 34 successfully held the “International Mother...

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Overview of Chinese teaching in Jekabpils 2.Vidusskola

Posted by on Feb 23, 2023 in Confucius Institute Developments, Confucius Institute at LU, Classroom Sketch | 0 comments

Jekabpils 2.Vidusskola was established on March 1, 1920. M.Djakovskaja is the first principal, and the current principal is I.Salmina. The...

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Fate Comes Thousands of Miles to Meet — Chinese Lessons for Foreign Students in Riga 34 Middle School

Posted by on Dec 16, 2022 in Confucius Institute at LU, Classroom Sketch | 0 comments

On December 13, 2022 local time, a group of exchange students from Romania, Poland, Spain, Türkiye and other countries from Riga 34 Middle...

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The first Chinese class of Montessori Elementary School“Pētnieki” started successfully

Posted by on Nov 16, 2022 in Classroom Sketch | 0 comments

On November 15, 2022, the first Chinese language class of this semester was held at Montessori Elementary School “Pētnieki”, and it...

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A Mergence of Martial Arts with Cultural Learning —— Martial Arts Classes at Riga Wushu Sports School restarts

Posted by on Nov 15, 2022 in Chinese Culture, Confucius Institute Developments, News of Confucius Institute at LU, Teaching Materials, Classroom Sketch | 0 comments

“Zhengtitui, Cetitui, Waibaitui, Lihetui; Yubei, Zou, etc. ” Wushu, as a beautiful card of traditional Chinese culture, is very...

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The first Chinese class of Kraslava Secondary School started successfully

Posted by on Nov 15, 2022 in Confucius Institute at LU, Classroom Sketch | 0 comments

From November 8 to 10, 2022, Kraslava Secondary School started the new school year’s Chinese language course. The Chinese course is...

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